Curing the Cause

Curing the Cause

Our approach addresses the root cause of disease. Using advanced diagnostic analyses that map the effects of diet, nutrition, microbiome, stress and pharmaceutical regimens we aim in restoring health and vitality.

The basis of our approach is that a human body is a complex system and is more understandable when viewed as a whole.
 We do not see the human body as a collection of separate organs but as a whole biological system. 

We treat patients that belong mainly in the following categories:

Autoimmune Conditions: these are conditions where the body attacks and damages its own tissues and organs such as in ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, thyroid diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and others.

Chronic Health Problems: these are health problems lasting more than three months such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, heart disease and more.

Prevention: addresses healthy individuals who wish to improve their health and vitality. 

The analyses performed are not similar to the routine tests usually performed since they measure small molecules at a cellular or genetic material level (DNA). They trace nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, food allergies, environmental toxins, mold exposures.

The analysis uncovers underlying genetic predispositions and the root cause of a disease that can be modified through diet, lifestyle, supplements or medications.

Metabolomic Analysis 

The metabolomic analysis is a diagnostic tool that traces interactions of small molecules (metabolites) that reflect the functioning of the human organism in relation to the environment, the diet, toxins, the microbiome, stress, and pharmaceuticals. It is the core of clinical practice in the 21st century that shapes clinical regimens personalized for every patient.

The advanced analysis provides precise information for the human body as a biological system at a cellular level in the following areas: 



  • nutritional deficiencies
  • condition of microbiome
  • genetic predispositions
  • metabolic imbalances 
  • pharmaceutical impact
  • environmental toxins
  • cellular function
  • toxic burden
  • antioxidant status
  • functioning of the nervous system
  • insulin resistance and other vital indicators.

Telomeres Analysis: Telomeres are the end part of the chromosomes. Telomere ends serve to protect the DNA. Just like shoelaces tips (aglets) preserve a shoelace from unraveling.

When telomeres shorten to critical lengths, the cells senescence and die off. The telomere shortening has been discovered to be the primary cause of human aging. Through the measurement of the length of telomeres in each organism and each individual chromosome, we can determine the biological versus the chronological age of an individual and the propensity for disease. 

Short telomeres have been associated with almost all chronic diseases and appear to be the fundamental and biologically programmed cause of chronic diseases related to aging such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Lifestyle interventions, nutrition, correction of nutritional deficiencies, proper exercise and administration of natural substances that trigger innate cellular repair mechanisms can reduce or reverse the loss of length of short telomeres.


Treatment is modulated according to the deficiencies, dysfunctions and biochemical imbalances identified through the highly personalized metabolomics and telomeres analysis. It includes the prescription of specific supplements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and personalized nutritional regimens with the aim to replenish shortages and restore the normal biochemical balance of the body. We also maintain or recommend when necessary, appropriate medications when these have shown greater benefit than harm in light of the best scientific evidence.

What are the health problems that we manage?

Within the traditional medical approach, every health problem is managed by the corresponding per organ or system medical specialty. The ophthalmologist addresses the eye problems, the neurologist the neurological problems, the gastroenterologist the gastrointestinal diseases etc. This is a medical model developed and proved effective in the management of acute and emergency medicine health problems (pneumonia, fracture, trauma, hemorrhage, stroke, etc.) but has not shown the same effectiveness towards chronic health problems (diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc).

Precision medicine approaches the human body as a biological system (Systems Biology), a colony of cells that interact with each other and the surrounding environment. Based on the principle of the father of medicine “First do no harm" we address the human body as a biological system that has the tendency to balance towards the best possible health condition.

We accept patients with the following conditions;
  •     Thyroid problems (Hashimoto, hypo- or hyperthyroidism)
  •     Gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, colitis)
  •     Ulcerative colitis
  •     Chron's Disease
  •     Cancer
  •     Multiple Sclerosis
  •     Rheumatoid arthritis
  •     Osteoarthritis
  •     Psoriatic arthritis
  •     Ankylosing spondylitis
  •     Diabetes
  •     Obesity
  •     Metabolic syndrome
  •     Dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis)
  •     Permeable Bowel Syndrome
  •     Growth disorders
  •     Autism spectrum disorders
  •     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  •     Fertility disorders
  •     Allergies
  •     Respiratory problems (asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis)
  •     Chronic infections
  •     Osteoporosis, osteopenia
  •     Hormonal disorders
  •     Decreased libido
  •     Sleep disorders
  •     Gynecological disorders (dysmenorrhea, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome)

The treatment improves patient’ s response, compliance, and outcome while reduces any side effects that could be part of pharmacological treatments. It does not conflict with any combined pharmaceutical or homeopathic treatment. 

What should you expect from your first and second visits

In your first visityou meet the internist doctor that performs a medical examination, collects your full medical history and determines the analysis required.
You also have a detailed discussion with the nutritionist expert regarding your nutritional habits and lifestyle. Those are vital data in order to evaluate your present condition and the analysis results.

The blood draw and urine samples collection, for the metabolomic and/or telomere analysis, take place also the same day. Blood and urine samples are sent to highly specialized metabolomics and telomere analysis medical and university labs.  

Your second visit is programmed within a month in order to receive the results and also the therapeutic regimens.

During the second visit, you will receive the lab results. The analysis results are explained to while treatment including diet, supplementation and lifestyle instructions are given. You are guided through their interpretation at your follow up visits.

The treatment is formulated according to the deficiencies, dysfunctions and biochemical imbalances that have been traced through metabolomic and/or telomeres analysis. The treatment consists of the intake of special nutritional supplements, enzymes, aminoacids, trace minerals, vitamins and also a personalized nutritional plan in order to replenish the deficiencies and restore the biochemical balance in a cellular level. Pharmacological treatment may be adapted based on the tests results. Follow up visits are being planned in 3 to 6 months based on doctor recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already see another doctor for my health problem, will that affect the treatment I already follow?
Metabolomic Medicine addresses the organism in a cellular level, therefore, it does not conflict with any other pharmaceutical or homeopathic treatment. On the contrary, improves the patient’ s response and outcome while reduces any side effects that could be part of pharmacological treatments while enhances the homeopathic treatment effectiveness.
I am already working with a nutritionist. Do I need to see one at your office?
Yes, we do recommend, that all our patients see one of our nutritionists. Our nutritional medicine approach is in fact very different from what most nutritionists apply being an integral part of your treatment. The review of your nutritional habits, lifestyle and your body’ s response to food it is vital in order to evaluate the Metabolomic Analysis end results. We have to know what gets in your body to evaluate what comes out.
What do I need to bring to the appointment?
You should bring a list of all the medicines and supplements you currently take if you do. Available medical records of the last 12months are also very helpful.
Does my medical insurance cover the costs?
Usually, they are not covered by health insurance companies’ basic services. However, they may be covered by additional insurance, in whole or in part.
Either way, we will provide a detailed receipt for services performed for you to submit to your insurance carriers.

Do you have questions about Metabolomics? Contact Us